Purify Quotes

"Purify is a great tool. It has saved my butt many a time. I use it weekly. I don't know what your other tools are... if they're half as useful as Purify, I will definitely be interested."
"Purify has become a part of my general debugging routines. This by far is one of the best products I have ever used in my 10+ years of finding memory problems."
"At the risk of sounding overzealous, Purify is one of the most impressive and effective tools I've ever used. We also have Quantify, which is equally impressive."
"Your products (Purify /PureCoverage) are great. I am one of those who hates reading manuals and I found that I could just get going with your tools with much ease. Purify has helped me discover problem areas which passed code inspection and unit testing! As part of our process, we are required to include Purify and PureCoverage results as part of the unit test results."
"Comments? Well, everyone that has used Purify thinks it's the greatest (most useful) tool they've ever seen, and some of them are currently stuck on Windows NT are wishing it ran there."
"...Purify really is all that it's cracked up to be. In our first few days' experience with it, we've found and fixed numerous bugs in three or four packages of ours in different stages of development (some under active development, some pretty new but considered finished, some that have been out as products for several years).
Some of the bugs we found in old code are no doubt responsible for some very rare but troublesome core dumps we've gotten on occasion but have never been able to reproduce reliably. Other bugs were more benign, but it's good to have them fixed.
Congratulations on a top-quality product."
"We caught bugs in software we licensed from a third party-Great stuff!"
"It's great so far- day 2 of using it and I've already found a number of bugs I'd missed."
"I've been using Purify for the past couple of weeks and have been very impressed. For applications that run for long periods of time (like daemons and shells) it is very important to release all dynamically allocated memory. Purify has helped me to develop cleaner software. I normally use Purify on a daily basis, and have found its interface to be excellent."
"Well, given that I hadn't used Purify previous to my experience here...it is an amazing product. It was extraordinarily easy for me to set up in my makefile, and use despite being entirely blind to the product. I am not usually one to compliment products, but this one does exactly what it intends to do and well. Even though I have only used this product for one week, I find I have already become dependent on it, not only for tightening my code, but almost as a debugger.
Any serious developer needs to use such a tool, especially now that C++ classes are potential nightmares for memory leakage...again, congratulations and thanks for such a useful tool."
"Ever since I found out about Purify, I've been a major supporter of it. I've tried Sentinel, too, but it's slower. Since then I've formed my own company and do contract work for others and recommend Purify. I recommended Purify here before day 1, at the interview for the contract. Purify scores really high here."
"I use Purify about 1-2 times per week. What an EXCELLENT tool! I am trying to get some bugs corrected in preparation for a beta-release of software, and believe me-your product is a life-saver!"
"Great installation program. Took only about 20 minutes to have Purify up and running. The interface is intuitive and clean. Overall, the program looks great."
"It was easy to incorporate when we hit a major problem in our application. With several third party libraries in use it's almost impossible to debug calls to their software, and Purify immediately gave us much more information to send to support, and got us up and running much sooner."
"...thanks for bringing to the development community a product as indispensable as Purify."
"An excellent product! Does exactly what I need with a clean, easy-to-use user interface. I wish there were more UNIX programs like this out there."
"Great product, in general. It's _extremely_ easy to use and find exactly where the memory's leaking, or the code's writing out of bounds, etc."
"Purify is one of the best UNIX development tools I have ever seen."
"Great job! I just installed it and it already saved me a couple of hours of work!"
"Great software, although it shows too well our human limitations and how easy it is to write bugs."
"Your tools have saved me a lot of bug hunting time, and even more so, have found bugs that I never would have in my normal testing routines.
Thank you very much."
"Thank you very much for a very wonderful tool. You have helped boost the quality of a LOT of software out there greatly."
"Keep up the good work. It took me less than 2 hours to find the manuals, build the software with Purify, run it a time or two, and find & fix a nasty FMR bug. That speaks well both for your manual and the general usability of the product!"
"Great product-Purify has saved me time and headaches-especially for someone leaving the MS Windows world of many development tools, to one (UNIX) which seems to have a paucity of such-I'll have to try your Quantify next."
"All Pure products that I've encountered are very innovative and extremely useful products for programmers. I would highly recommend them to my colleagues, friends, etc."
"I am extremely pleased with the quality and thoughtfulness in design of Pure's products in general."
"Anyone here who has used Pure Software's products just falls in love with them. Purify has saved me many hours of tedious debugging. Thanks."
"Not joking, I think this is one of the best products I've seen for a long time. "Best" means useful and not X-plenty."
"Terrific product- the very first time I used it, I found where (and why) my program had been core dumping. I'm making Purify a regular part of my development process..."
"Purify has become a part of my daily development ... an invaluable tool in shortening my development cycle."
"It is a very good tool that gets bugs identified early and improves code quality. Thanks."
"I am really impressed by Purify! I am planning to use it on a regular basis now."
"Great products! Please keep up the good work. Purify and Quantify have saved me many, many hours of work!"
"I am very impressed with the quality, ease of use, look and feel of both Purify and Quantify. All software should be this good!"
"Your software is remarkably easy to use, especially when compared with most software for Suns."
"Purify is a most excellent product, dude!"
"Excellent tool, without it we would be doomed (core files take a lot of disk-space..")
"I'd give my left kidney for Purify on a BSD based UNIX system running on the Intel platform..."
"Purify is a fantastic product. The viewer GUI makes a quick visual scan for memory problems even easier than in previous versions."
"Today is the first time I've used Purify. It is simple to use and found a memory leak and an uninitialized variable on my first program. Good Stuff!"
"I work with C++, using the Softbench environment for HP. I LOVE Purify, which I find extremely convenient and user-friendly. I often use it as a "pre-debugger", in the sense that whenever my output is supposedly wrong, I start Purifying my software before using the dde-debugger. Sometimes I can discover horrible mistakes through that means."
"This is a great product. I like it."
"Purify is invaluable in tracking down memory allocation errors, and is one of the best products I have ever used (and one of the easiest to learn to use)."
"I have enjoyed using Purify greatly. Thanks for supplying such a wonderful product."
"Purify was tested and found to be a great tool to verify code. I found two major bugs which were NOT found by any other debugging tool. It's easy to use and self-explanatory."
"Purify 3.0 is an excellent tool. The GUI interface and PureCoverage are remarkably easy to use. I would like to see Purify for PC Windows environment."
"I've been using Purify for about 1 hour and already it has been a huge help. Thanks!"
"Purify somehow is able to find bugs other tools do not find. "
"Very useful and informative software. I wish I had it when I was first learning to program."
"I am a new user of Purify and am thoroughly impressed by the software. It saves me a lot of debugging time."
"First came compilers, then debuggers, and now Purify! When will you have something to write my programs for me that doesn't drink coffee all day long?"
"I would like to complement you on your new version of Purify. It is easy to use and easy to understand. It is merciless and scrutinous and opens your eyes to your coding errors. Thanks again! Yours faithfully,
"So far Purify has saved me a bundle of hide-and-seek minutes and hours! Thanks for making it all possible!"
"The UI is great. Very intuitive. Actually the whole program was great. After I used it to find my first bug, I knew that I would recommend this to the engineers in my group. I proceeded to fix 14 more bugs that morning; one of the highest productivity days for me during my programming career."
"I just wanted to tell you how glad I am (and I'm sure many others here and elsewhere) that you have ported to SGI. I am one of the crack debuggers here and with the help of Purify I can find virtually any bug regardless of the origin of the code. Just now I have used Purify to nail a simple error immediately. This type of bug could have taken an entire day to track down depending on the approach used. With Purify I am always confident of the output and can find bugs faster. Purify is somewhat of a litmus test of good code and I use it liberally. Thanks for making my life so much easier."
"With Purify you have a powerful tool to find unsuspected errors and those ones that take a lot of time and headaches."
"Purify is a great product and has saved our group countless hours in debugging time."
"I love the graphical Purify we are using here...Purify has made my code 100% better-I love it!"
"Purify has been the best tool for its purpose that I have ever used. It has helped save countless hours of debugging complicated code. Thanks for a good product."
"Excellent product- saves me a ton of time in chasing application cores."
"This is a great product! It took less than 5 minutes of using it (including compile/link time) to find a bug!"
"Very nice product. I can't think of any real improvements that you need to make. We evaluated you against TestCenter and you beat them hands-down."
"Purify is one of the most useful software development tools I have ever used. It is an excellent product and one that I now wonder how I ever lived without!"
"We are very impressed with this product. I have only used it for a couple of days, but I can't imagine writing C code without it."
"Just the usual - it's a brilliant product and when I return to my Australian company I will be highly recommending it. It has already highlighted several problem areas in my application code which I suspect would never have been noticed otherwise. Congratulations on a wonderful product!"
"Great stuff. There has been many a time that Purify has saved me hours if not days in pinpointing memory core problems."
"Can't live without Purify. You guys are incredible! I'll always stand by my Purify. NEVER saw a product which is more robust and useful for software development. Except PureLink."
"What they say is true. Within 30 minutes of installing your software, I fixed several memory problems not only which I didn't know existed, but which would have been almost impossible to find if I had. From now on, I'm using Purify as a matter of practice."
"There is nothing that approaches your product, it's just incredible!!"
"Purify has been a great help to me by finding the makings of several subtle bugs before they turned into a released problem; I appreciate having the tool available."
"Purify takes all the art out of debugging segmentation violations and bus errors in C. Future generations of programmers will simply not grasp what it's like to spend time debugging memory overruns prior to its advent. For the first time in my life, I truly feel like a dinosaur."
"Management has purchased many 'productivity' tools. Purify is the only one that has benefited the project and is the only one of those purchased for this project that I will recommend to future customers."
"I require people working on my project teams to use Purify. Along with our designing for reuse, I consider our use of Purify responsible for allowing our software to be easily integrated and reused. By the way, I also really like the 'simple licensing' arrangement; how many times have I seen mis-configured or temporarily down license servers that cause things to skid to a halt. "
"We have been using Purify for over a year now. Our first license paid for itself the first 20 minutes after we installed it!"
"I found your product extremely easy to use and a valuable time saver. Within an hour, I found the source of a segmentation fault that I'd been searching for for over a day, without success. Great product, one of the most useful tools I've come across."
"I love Purify. Without it, our effort could have gone to dogs by now. I really mean it. After a while, its not shoddy coding that causes problems; its the sheer size of an application that brings in so many degrees of freedom that cannot be thought of beforehand. Purify shines a beam of light on those dark corners which escaped scrutiny during the design phase."
"I used Purify in my previous job too (4 years doing C on Sun) and found it an absolute god send."
"Absolutely awesome product. Its a Must for every serious development environment."
"My productivity doubled after I started using (your software). Well done, Pure Software!"
"....UNIX users may finally start to get work done instead of trying to get things to work. Thanks."
"We have learned over time that anything from Pure Software is going to be good."
"It seems that anybody who has used Purify thinks it's the best thing since sliced bread....and it is."
"It's not often you find software that does exactly what it promises...there can't be a better recommendation."
"Best piece of support code for C programmers that money can buy."
"....Purify....is God's gift to programmers..."
"We've been using Purify for over 2 years now and are very satisfied with the uncountable man-hours of debugging it has relieved us of."
"I love the GUI that you added to Purify 3.0. It is a power tool that helps me cut through the toughest legacy code easily."
"This is one of the most useful products I have ever used. Not only is it technically sound, but the user interface rivals that of the MacOS. This is something you usually don't see in the UNIX environment. Thanks for saving me weeks of debug time."
"It could be a little faster and easier on memory and disk but I appreciate it anyway...this is the price we pay to get all the cool capabilities Purify offers. Its been invaluable to me in the cases I've used it with several applications from major software developers."
" Purify... is the best leak detection/memory overwrite type tool I have ever seen."
"I just used Purify to solve another of my problems, once again you guys have come through for me and I appreciate it. I will never develop code on a platform that you don't support."
"Great product! So far the best of class."
"The product is working well with our large application (approx. 600,000 lines of c++). It has already pointed out at least two potential problems. The new Beta copy has fixed an original problem I had and installation was very easy with the instructions provided."
"I was looking for a tool to monitor the heap while my program was running...I guess I found it!"
"I like the ease of use of this tool. It is easy enough that I can use it a lot."
"Good product, easy to set up and use!"
"I just started using Purify, and so far it seems great!"
"I like the window based version of Purify. It helps stepping through the messages much easier as well as suppressing those that are not needed."
"Would be nice to have Purify on AIX, it's a fantastic product."
"Purify is a great tool. During our integration tests of our products we run every module and executable through Purify."
"Purify has helped me find many a bug. It would be hard to debug without it."
"I am currently using the evaluation version of Purify. Looks so far like a marvelous product!"
"I used to use Purify a lot while in France, but this is the first time I'm using the version that supports DCE. It's come a long way since I used it last...I can say so far so good. We've waited a long time for this so as to clean up our code."
"The new X based version of Purify is very nice indeed...I'm quite happy about that."
"Great product!"
"Let me tell you, we are using Purify at our testcenter now for 8 months with really great success. We detected many bugs in our various applications."
"I have been using Purify for 3 years now and I think it represents one of the best tools for locating bugs in programs that I have used. I really am very impressed."
"I like your software very much. It was easy to learn how to use, and it was a benefit from the start. I like your product and hope to see some of your other products here where I work. The points that impressed me the most were the simple interface and how easily I could add it to my project."
"I was glad to find that Purify has much improved over earlier versions I've used. The GUI interface is great. Well done."